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Dr. Frazer Atkinson

Frazer Atkinson, PhD, is a lecturer in the Health and Exercise Sciences School at the University of British Columbia, Okanagan where he teaches a range of classes. In addition to teaching, Frazer also works as a mental performance coach to athletes and high-performers to help them identify goals, enhance self-awareness and motivation, and cope with self-defeating thoughts and behaviors that prevent them from reaching peak performance. His clients include  World Champions, Olympians, business leaders, and a range of professional and amateur athletes who compete all over the world. 

Education and Experience

Dr. Atkinson grew up near Manchester, England. He completed his undergraduate degree in Exercise Science from the University of Stirling, followed by his master’s degree in Kinesiology from the University of North Dakota, and then his doctorate degree in Sport Psychology from Wayne State University, Detroit.  He has published several scientific journal articles in the sport and performance psychology domain. 

Athletic Experience

Frazer played several different sports at a young age before committing to rugby. He played rugby throughout high school and college and travelled to Australia and New Zealand to commit to his own athletic development, before retiring due to injury. Dr Atkinson can now be found rolling on the Jiu jitsu mats and running the trails in the Okanagan, British Columbia.


Yuri Simoes

3 x ADCC Champion
4 x IBJF World Champion

"I am so glad I met Dr. Atkinson at a moment when I really needed some help with the mental side of performance. I had always known how to put in hard work and be disciplined when it came to being an athlete and competing, but I didn’t know there were levels to the mental game until I met Dr. Atkinson. He first helped me get out of a really dark place where I was on a bad losing streak and today I know it was 100% because of the struggles I was dealing with mentally.


I got out of that place within a few sessions working with Dr. Atkinson and from there my mental game took off to another level. He has a bunch of techniques that you can implement to improve your focus and confidence for competition. I recommend Dr. Atkinson to any athlete looking to be the best version of themselves and to take their mental game to the next level."

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